Deciding to donate eggs is a big decision. The second biggest decision? Whether to do so on a known or anonymous basis. When the donation is "known" it means the donor and intended parents (recipients) will know each other's identities. When the donation is anonymous, it means identifying information is not shared about the parties (although medical and other non-identifying details can be disclosed).
Intended parents pursuing egg donation also have to make the same choice as to whether to use a known or anonymous donor. It can be an emotionally difficult decision for numerous reasons, including that the decision is based on speculation of one's future preferences. And, unlike other contracts that can be terminated with notice or modified with consent of the parties, egg donation agreements do not lend themselves to such changes in quite the same way.
So, here are 3 factors to consider when deciding between known vs. anonymous egg donation:
(1) Anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
(2) Psychological impact on the child.
(3) Future sharing of information.
Each of these factors is explained in more detail in the video below.
through a difficult time?