How to Donate Eggs in Canada: A Guide for Potential Donors

Egg donation is a remarkable gift that can help individuals and couples achieve their dreams of starting or growing a family. In Canada, the process of donating eggs is regulated to ensure that it is safe, ethical, and conducted with the utmost care. If you are considering becoming an egg donor, here is a comprehensive guide to help you understand the steps involved and the importance of going through the process thoughtfully and thoroughly in Canada.

Starting the Process

Finding a Reputable Agency or Recipient

The first step in becoming an egg donor in Canada is to either find a reputable agency that specializes in matching donors with recipients or to offer your donation to someone you know who needs an egg donor. Agencies can play a crucial role in facilitating the egg donation process, ensuring that all legal, medical, and psychological aspects are handled professionally. It is essential to choose an agency with experience in the field whose staff will view you as a human being and not a product to be supplied to intended parents. Notably, egg donor agencies in Canada are not regulated, so performing your own research is critical.

Agencies will generally have profiles of potential recipients. Donors and recipients must essentially choose each other as the entire process is voluntary.

Once you have chosen an agency or recipient, you will undergo an initial screening process to assess your suitability as a donor. Various criteria, such as age or certain medical conditions, can mean that a potential egg donor is not a good candidate. The law in Canada does not establish a maximum age, but because fertility declines with age most egg donor agencies, and certainly clinics, will have their own age restrictions.

Egg donation is a significant commitment, both emotionally and physically. It is crucial to take your time and not rush into the decision. It can be helpful to engage in conversations with potential recipients as an exploration of getting to know each other, rather than making a commitment too quickly.


Counseling is an essential part of the egg donation process. It helps you understand the emotional implications of donating your eggs and prepares you for the journey ahead. A counselor can help you navigate any concerns or anxieties you may have and ensure that you are emotionally ready for the process. Most fertility clinics require counselling in order to proceed with the donation.

Counselors are usually social workers or psychologists with experience in matters related to fertility. They might meet with the donor and recipients together. They might want to meet a donor with her partner.

Legal Advice

In Canada, the Assisted Human Reproduction Act prohibits the payment of egg donors. However, it allows for altruistic donation, meaning you can be reimbursed for certain expenses related to the donation process, such as travel, accommodation, and lost wages.

Consulting with a lawyer who specializes in reproductive law is crucial. They will help you understand your rights and responsibilities, provide you with advice on your egg donation agreement, and ensure that the process complies with Canadian laws. To ensure their rights are protected and to avoid a conflict of interest, egg donors should have their own lawyer, separate from the lawyer for the recipients who drafted the egg donor contract.

Medical Testing

Comprehensive medical testing is necessary to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for egg donation. This typically includes physical exams, blood tests, ultrasounds, questionnaires, and genetic screening. The medical team will assess your overall health and fertility to determine if you can undergo the egg retrieval process.

The Donation

You will undergo a series of medical preparations, including hormone injections to stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple eggs. During this time, you will be closely monitored by a medical team. Sometimes egg donors have to travel across Canada to be close to the fertility clinic where the egg retrieval will happen. Egg donation contracts should consider this possibility, including the cost of airfare (as applicable), accommodation and time off work, that the donor will incur. In some cases, a donor can be monitored by a clinic close to her home and then travel to the clinic just before the retrieval.

The egg retrieval procedure is a minor surgical process performed under sedation. Using ultrasound guidance, a doctor will retrieve the eggs from your ovaries using a thin needle. The entire process typically takes about 20-30 minutes, and you can usually go home the same day. Typically, donors require a companion to take them home. In some egg donor contracts, the companion's lost wages are reimbursed if they have to take a day off work to act as the companion.

After the procedure, donors may experience some mild discomfort or cramping, but most donors recover quickly and can resume normal activities within a few days. Donors can be reimbursed for items recommended by fertility clinics, such as pain medication.


Becoming an egg donor in Canada is a generous and selfless act that can change lives, but it's not for everybody. By taking the time to go through the process carefully, seeking counseling and legal advice, and undergoing thorough medical testing, you can ensure that your donation is safe and rewarding.

If you are considering becoming an egg donor, feel free to reach out to Lisa Feldstein Law Office PC when you are in need of legal advice from a fertility lawyer. We would be happy to help you!

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