I had the honour and pleasure of writing the "Reproductive Health Law" chapter in the just-released 2019 textbook entitled "Introduction to Health Law in Canada" (by Lorian Hardcastle and published by Emond Publishing). The book is a great resource for students and non-lawyers interested in learning more about health law generally.
Here is an overview of the topics covered:
Chapter 1: The Legal Structure of the Canadian Heath Care System
Chapter 2: Negligence Claims Against Health Professionals
Chapter 3: Regulation and Liability of Hospitals, Health Facilities, and Government
Chapter 4: Self-Regulation of Health Professionals
Chapter 5: Consent to Treatment
Chapter 6: End-of-Life Care and the Law
Chapter 7: The Law and Mental Health
Chapter 8: Health Information
Chapter 9: Reproductive Health Law
Chapter 10: Public Health Law
Chapter 11: Regulation of Health Research
Chapter 12: Regulation of Pharmaceuticals
Chapter 13: Constitutional and Administrative Challenges to Governmental Health Policies
Chapter 14: Indigenous Health Law
Chapter 15: Global Health Law
The textbook is available for purchase here.
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